Designer home office: how to decorate it
My surroundings are so important to me while I work creatively. I have to have something inspirational around me to guide me on the "right path", to be able to create. For me, I cannot be surrounded by too much noise - no messy desk or wrong type of background radio music. I have to be quite strict as to what my surroundings look like before I can start a creative process.
For me it starts simple; I have to have a clean office desk. Other than that the most inspirational to me can be looking at norwegian nature through my office window, inspirational furniture or posters on the wall, and the right type of music - or no music at all. Some of what inspires me the most is hand drawings. I`ve loved hand drawings as long as I can remember. It reminds me that simple creation is beautiful and can create a specific atmosphere. And it reminds me how this creative journey all started.
If wondering how to decorate Your own designer home office;
Start with Your own taste and give Yourself physical "reminders" of who You are. This will help You to stay true to who You are and create in the direction that is You´est.
Below follows images of my home office decorated to inspire me.
Haute Couture is always a great inspiration to me. I saved these magazine pages through years before I finally put them on my wall.

Important to keep my drawing hand trained. Pencildrawing april 2015.

Self drawn images help me remind me why I started in a creative business.
This photo is from my newly set up workshop. Still a work in progress..

Office view. Nature is a constant inspiration to me.