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I spent last week in Milan searching for new business partners and suppliers for my upcoming collection and brand launch in january. Met alot of interesting people, Im so thankful to find a number of new companies to work with. Professional and trustworthy suppliers are so important to have a smoothly running production cycle. Without them I do not have a brand.

While walking around with all these italian men in their suits I certainly felt a number too small. Before leaving Norway, I was wondering if they would take me seriously. - since I dont have any muscles to show off...😉 Luckily most of the people I met did take me seriously, and I decided to just walk away from those who didn´t. When the majority of the people in the leather industry are men, this is something Im used to and always have in the back of my head: Im a female, and sometimes I feel I have to worker harder to prove I can do business. I hope I can be a contributor to change this in the future - and be part of the percentage of women who succeed! 👠👊

Setting up my bag brand in Norway has its challenges - I can do alot from here, but at some point I need to cross boarders to find a larger range of professionals. A fair like this in Milan, where the best suppliers are gathered at one place, is a great place to look for new business partners. And is just what I need in the development of the brand now. I have a factory willing to work with me, and because of Milan I also have leather suppliers of veg tanned leather. Can´t wait to see where I am in january!

Thanks for all Your support!


Det er intens jobbing på en messe, fint med kaffe-påfyll innimellom😴☕️

Subway wait..

Små, søte delikatesser å ta med tilbake til hotellet og spise på senga etter en lang dag på messe. De var ikke gode, så det var litt nedtur.. 😂

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